About Us


As a competent and innovative contract manufacturer, TEPROSA offers various manufacturing processes and testing services in the areas of laser processing (laser cutting and laser engraving), 3D-MID and the testing and inspection of electromechanical assemblies. Since our founding in 2009, we have been manufacturing sophisticated products with the highest quality standards for the automotive industry, medical technology, mechanical engineering and many other sectors.

Electrical Steel

In the area of ​​electrical steel, we manufacture individual electrical steel lamellae, but also entire laminated cores (stator and rotor cores) from different types of steel. We process grain-oriented electrical steel for generators, transformers and other electrical machines. For packaging, we rely on the baking varnish process.

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As one of the few companies in Germany, we manufacture three-dimensional circuit carriers, so-called 3D-MID. 3D MIDs are used, for example, as antennas in smartphones and notebooks, but the space-saving spatial circuit carriers are also in great demand in medical technology. Since 2019 we have been offering our customers many common plastics for the production of 3D MID assemblies on www.mid-materials.com so that your project can start without any delay.

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Laser Processing

In the field of laser processing, we rely primarily on laser cutting as an innovative and economical cutting process for stainless steel, non-ferrous metals and many other materials. Our most common production items include micro filters for pumps in automobiles and so-called tuning plates for mechanical engineering. With laser engraving, we can label and mark components permanently and legibly.

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Prüflabor Prüfdienstleitungen

Testing & Inspection

In our in-house testing laboratory, we offer various testing services for the electronics industry, the automotive industry and medical technology. One focus of our work is environmental simulation testing of electromechanical assemblies according to customer specifications. With comprehensive analyses, we also offer support in clarifying damage and field failures.

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Laser zur Laser-Feinbearbeitung und Laserschneiden

Our customers

Satisfied customers are important for the sustainable success of our company and the best advertisement for future cooperation. We are therefore happy about the successful cooperation with our partners – these include well-known companies such as Siemens, Volkswagen, Olympus, Dräger, Carl Zeiss and many more.


TEPROSA GmbH was founded in 2009 as a high-tech start-up from the Otto von Guericke University in Magdeburg. The origin of the success story was the InnoProfile project TEPROSA, a technology platform for product miniaturization in Saxony-Anhalt. The aim of this project was to set up a platform for regional SMEs and to develop and promote new processes in the field of assembly and connection technology (packaging), microsystems technology (MEMS) and injection molding technologies for the construction of spatial circuit carriers (MID).


We put great emphasis on cooperative interactions and ensuring our work’s quality. Responsibility, reliability, and loyalty towards our customers and partners characterize our corporate culture and belong to our core values.

QMS ISO 9001:2015

In order to meet the demands we place on ourselves and the requirements of our customers, we have established a quality management system in accordance with DIN EN ISO 9001. Since 2013 we have been working according to clearly documented processes and thus ensure the complete traceability of our products. In the field of 3D-MID, TEPROSA has been one of three German companies since 2015 that are certified as “Authorized LDS Manufacturer”. As a member of the 3-D MID e.V., TEPROSA supports the further development of the technology.

We work with a quality management system according to DIN EN ISO 9001: 2015. Here you will find our current certificate.



It goes without saying that you have high expectations on us. Hence, we intensively discuss your requirements and the designated application in advance of the manufacturing process. By meeting the high demands of our customers, we generate a significant competitive advantage.


Transparency and sincerity are the key elements for our sustainable success and an integral part of our corporate philosophy. In order to create a long-term cooperation, we put great emphasis on trust, open communication, and high quality processes.


From the development to the optimization to serial production – we always engage in an intensive dialogue with our customers and specifically, address their needs. With great enthusiasm and ambition, we generate individual customized solutions. Our broad range of innovative products and services make a substantial contribution to improve your competitive ability.


Continuous development of our processes is the foundation of our work and the key for the innovative product and service portfolio of our company. Due to our extensive knowledge on the manufacturing interaction, we are able to create customized solutions to meet the individual needs of our customers.


In order to meet the high demands of our customers, we have established a quality management system according to DIN EN ISO 9001.

Since 2015, TEPROSA is one of three German companies that have been certified as an “Authorized LDS Manufacturer” in the field of 3D-MID. As a member of the 3-D MID e.V. TEPROSA supports the ongoing development of the 3D-MID-Technology.


We always strive for customer satisfaction, as it is crucial for the company’s success and an excellent reference for future cooperations. Hence, we are glad about  our successful business relations.

Teprosa – technology + Engineering

Paul-Ecke-Str. 6
39114 Magdeburg

Tel 0391 598184 70